ASSP Foundation Timeline

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ASSP Board of Directors charters the ASSP Foundation on March 3, 1990

Board of Trustees is established.
• Chair: Ray Boylston
• Trustees: Tom Cecich, Annette Haag, Tom Leamon, Martin Marino, Bob Semonisck, and Del Tally

Establishment of the Scholarship Program

Liberty Mutual Safety Research Fellowship Program is formed in conjunction with the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety

Safety Essay contest for student scholarships

Research Committee established

First Liberty Mutual Research Fellow, Christopher A. Janicak

Educational Advisory Committee formed to oversee scholarships, internships, and fellowships

13 scholarships awarded totaling $17,500

13 scholarships awarded totaling $30,000

Career Guide to the Safety Profession, 1st Edition co-published by ASSP Foundation and BCSP

Raymond P. Boylston, Jr. receives the first Distinguished Service Award

First research grant awarded - $5,000 to Paul Vinger from Tufts University for his study “Polycarbonate Lenses for Industry and Sport.”

12 scholarships awarded totaling $40,100

General Motors donates $225,000 to kick off “3x3 Campaign”. DaimlerChrysler and Ford soon follow.

8 scholarships awarded totaling $34,000


Foundation holds its first donor reception at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando on June 27.

The Student Leadership Conference, precursor to the Future Safety Leaders Conference, is established to provide leadership development opportunities to safety students.

Thompson Scholarship for Women in Safety, the first Visionary Scholarship, is established by Marcella & Michael Thompson

12 scholarships awarded totaling $27,900

Del and Betty Tally establish the Delmar E. Tally Professional Development Grant, the first in the Professional Education Grant Program

10 scholarships awarded totaling $21,375

UPS donates $25,000 to establish the UPS Diversity Scholarship fund.

First professional development grants awarded to Stanford Achi and Michael Donohue

Foundation funds study “Safety Incentive Programs in Construction” by Paul Goodrum.

17 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $43,950

22 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $63,000

James Oppold Fund established to assist university safety programs with ABET accreditation

Foundation funds study “Transitioning Sloped Surfaces” by Lloyd Wade and Jerry Davis.

28 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $63,125

Margaret Carrol becomes the first Legacy Donor and helps to establish the Legacy Trust Program

35 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $84,400

The Taback family establishes a memorial scholarship for their father and dear ASSP member Harry Taback, who died on September 11, 2001

Over 100 students attend the Future Safety Leaders Conference from 39 College/Universities

41 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $91,200

53 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $97,400

59 scholarships and professional education grants awarded totaling $114,780.

76 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $137,850

The Hennessy family establishes a memorial professional education grant for their father and dear ASSP member Terrance Hennessy, who died in a crane accident on a jobsite.


91 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $152,850

100 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $171,475

Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded more than $1,000,000 in scholarships

The Foundation provides $100K to fund a research project in cooperation with the RAND Corporation, examining the rate of occupational fatalities across countries and attempting to account for those differences.

The Foundation Board of Trustees introduces a new logo with three interlocked shields, each representing a pillar of the Foundation’s mission: education, leadership development, and research. The center of the logo can be viewed as both a person reading a book, representing the Scholarship and Grant program, or as a lantern, pointing more broadly to the Foundation’s overarching orientation toward lighting the way to a safer tomorrow.

Michael Murray, scholarship recipient from 1999, joins the Foundation’s Board of Trustees

99 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $167,765

Foundation earns GuideStar Recognition

Establishment of the Family Scholarship Fund by John Henshaw, former Assistant Secretary of Labor, to provide financial assistance to families who have lost a loved one in a workplace incident

The Foundation Board of Trustees introduces a new logo with three interlocked shields, each representing a pillar of the Foundation’s mission: education, leadership development, and research. The center of the logo can be viewed as both a person reading a book, representing the Scholarship and Grant program, or as a lantern, pointing more broadly to the Foundation’s overarching orientation toward lighting the way to a safer tomorrow.

The family of Steven Kane establishes a memorial scholarship for Steven. He was a beloved ASSP board member and cared deeply for the OSH profession.

The Next Generation Board is created, bringing new ideas to the Foundation and providing leadership and networking opportunities to the upcoming generation in safety. Former scholarship recipient Holly Thompson is included in its inaugural board.

103 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $193,800

The Foundation’s Research Program expands to offer a $300,000 research

The first Family Scholarship Fund scholarship is awarded to Erica Clasby is awarded the first Family Scholarship Fund scholarship. Her father lost his life while doing routine maintenance for a power company.

The 10th anniversary of the Future Safety Leaders Conference sees more than 150 student attendees from 45 College/Universities

108 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $227,200

Lora Cavuoto, previous Liberty Mutual Safety Research Fellow, is awarded the Foundation’s first $300,000 research grant for her work “Advancing Safety Surveillance using Individualized Sensor Technology”

The Foundation’s 25th Anniversary Celebration includes a goal of increased participation.

Applications International, Inc. awards the first Impact Scholarships valued at $10,000-$15,000 each.

112 scholarships and grants awarded totaling $273,300